Forget about the worm. Here in Iceland today, the early bird got a beautiful, secluded walk that led to one of the world’s most beautiful waterfalls. After a quick breakfast, Zodiacs dropped us on the southern shore of Arnarfjörður, in the West Fjords. As we strolled through the beauty of this stunning glacial fjord, the famous falls of Dynjandi were initially out of sight. As we ambled eastward, the towering curtains of cascading water came into view, and oooooohs and ahhhhhs were audible as the great waterfall stood tall before us. Those who did not want to start their day with a coastal hike were dropped at the base of the waterfalls, and the stunning view was enjoyed by all.

Back on board, we enjoyed a delicious lunch. I would like to take a moment to give a shout out to the hotel team. They always take such good care of us on National Geographic Resolution.

Little did many realize, but on the secluded shores and under the cascading falls of Dynjandi, we picked up an extra special guest and her precious cargo. As the ship cruised north around the West Fjords, we were treated to the delightful vocals of Svava Rùn and by her gentle, melodic guitar.

Soon after, we ship cruised into Isafjordurdup, where a good number of whale blows were spotted. We gently cruised towards them and had about an hour for beautiful humpback whale viewing just before dinner.

After dinner, we had a particularly special treat – a visit to one of the author’s favourite places on the whole of our great big planet – Vigur Island. Vigur has a population of three humans throughout the year (Mum, Dad, and their five-year-old son), but its population swells in the summertime as countless birds come to nest on the gentle slopes of the island. Along the coast, many puffins make their burrows in the soil above the short cliffs. In the center of the small island, the landscape of tall grass is inhabited by a great flock of nesting arctic terns that defend their nests by aggressively divebombing intruders. This poses an interesting conundrum for visitors who want to explore the island. To keep birds and humans safe, visitors are equipped with wooden sticks to hold above their heads. The sticks deter the birds from the humans. It is an experience not to be forgotten.