Blue ice broke free and shot above the surface while the face of the glacier let go of another chunk of ice, sending it thundering down the face with a big splash into the sea below. The arctic terns and black-legged kittiwakes responded, excitedly flying towards the disruption in the water hoping for fish. The harbor seal mothers with their pups barely lifted their heads from their icy floating platforms as they bobbed along in the tidal currents. When the ice was quieter, the cries of 1-month-old harbor seal pups could be heard as they called out for their mothers. This was what we watched and heard as we took Zodiac tours of South Sawyer Glacier in the morning.

In the afternoon we travelled to another part of the Tracy Arm Fjord to Sawyer Glacier. This is part of Fords Terror Wilderness, and we spent the afternoon kayaking past waterfalls and towards the face of this beautiful glacier. It was such a special day of unique experiences here in Southeast Alaska.