Humpbacks, orcas, lighthouses, waterfalls, and rainbows…I don’t know how one could possibly fit more into a day!

In the wee morning hours, humpback whales awoke even before our early risers to greet guests with a delightful display of cooperative bubble-net feeding. Once the coffee was brewed and our bellies full, we departed for an up-close visit to both the first, and the oldest, lighthouse in Alaska: Five Fingers. The current keeper and a team of friendly volunteers greeted us and proceeded to show us around the historic site.

But with the temperate rainforest trails beckoning, we eventually departed to continue our journey south for some afternoon hiking. En route, a pod of transient orcas joined us for a portion of the journey, delighting both staff and guests alike with their graceful blows across reflective waters.

With so much action, we ended up enjoying an early evening hike around the misting beauty of Cascade Creek’s waterfall. With our lungs full of fresh forest air and our bellies ready for a delicious meal, we headed back to National Geographic Sea Bird for a well-earned dinner to conclude this adventurous day.