Welcome aboard National Geographic Venture! Today, our expedition immersed us in the ethereal, breathtaking landscapes and vibrant wildlife of Glacier Bay National Park. We ventured to Marjorie and Grand Pacific Glaciers where guests were awestruck by the colossal ice faces gleaming with shades of cerulean and turquoise. Bald eagles soared majestically overhead, while curious harbor seals and sea otters bobbed playfully in the icy waters. Along the shores of Russel Cut, Gloomy Knob, and South Marble Island we encountered mountain goats traversing the cliffs, a black bear perusing the shoreline for food, Steller sea lions basking in the sun, comical puffins, and Common murres darting to swim underwater. Our knowledgeable naturalists and national park ranger provided fascinating insights into the park's geological wonders and ecological diversity, enhancing our appreciation for this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

As evening descended, we gathered for a lively recap of the day's discoveries, sharing tales of our encounters over a sumptuous dinner featuring delectable Alaskan delicacies. Tomorrow promises more enchanting moments as we continue our exploration of Glacier Bay. Join us aboard National Geographic Venture for another day of awe-inspiring adventures!