Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

Today we spent the day at the Osa Peninsula. This peninsula has the best remaining coastal rainforest in the Pacific side of Costa Rica. Early in the morning we visited San Josesito, one of the areas that are privately owned and work as a buffer zone for the Corcovado national park. We found ourselves surrounded by the beauty of Costa Rica, the beautiful beach, a gorgeous tropical garden, the scarlet macaws and white throated capuchin monkeys, wow! The private sector's enrollment in the area of conservation in Costa Rica is one of the things that make this country so successful when it comes to preservation of natural resources.

After lunch, the Sea Voyager, our home away from home, repositioned to Corcovado National park, one of this country’s national parks jewels, with 42,469 hectares, Corcovado is a National park big enough to support large animals like the Baird’s tapir and the elusive jaguar. Once there, we split in different groups with different options, some went hiking to a waterfall, others hiked a coastal trail, while the rest just decided to stay and relax at the beach. Even the ones staying at the beach were rewarded by a pair of scarlet macaws that decided to visit with us. Sights of white nosed coatis, foraging through the forest floor, spider monkeys, king vulture, ant birds and even a poison dart frog were part of the treats that Corcovado had in storage for us.

The Panama Canal and the wonders of Costa Rica, what an extraordinary journey!