Española Island

I close my eyes briefly and immediately dream-like images jumped in my mind… The location was a remote island in the Pacific that had no human inhabitants, and only strange dragon-like creatures were wandering its barren landscape. Giant mammals battled in distant fields with forceful encounters to win over territories, all was observed by the frightful and defenseless youngsters of the colony. The sun was intense, so much that I even felt the warm sunrays all over my body, forcing the sweat to break through. I needed to cool down, so I crawled quietly until I reach the ocean and its freshness stopped my heart from melting. The mammal-like beasts saw me and in unison charged forcefully towards what they thought could be a potential threat to their kingdom. I was not afraid but I decided to be cautious, so I crawled back to a safe area away from their reach and hide. I waited and waited and while I did, I took a book with a sandy texture on the cover and yellowed pages inside. It was laying partly hidden on the ground with sand glittering, almost as if the glittering was following an enchanted melody. It looked suspicious…but I reached out and took it anyway. I felt as if it was nature and destiny itself who wanted me to find it. Its contents sounded like witchcraft, disclosing the very secrets of life itself, all written in one single text book! My brain, eyes and fingers were all synchronized to achieve one single goal, the understanding of the ancient images and text pasted on its pages. I don’t know how long I was hypnotized under its power, but every drawing and every word made complete sense…

By the time I open my eyes only seconds had gone by. A marine iguana was climbing the rocky shores while a couple of sea lions were engaged in a furious fight that only they knew what was all about. I was laying on sand so white and fine that only flour powder could compare, and my right hand held a book written the words “Darwin” on it…