Our day in Cirebon began with a brilliant sunrise at 0537, casting a soft glow over the northern coast of Java. Guests joined Wellness Specialist Lani on deck six for morning stretches before enjoying a casual breakfast in the Outdoor Café, savoring the warm breeze and the promise of a clear day ahead.

At 0900, Birgit’s insightful presentation on “Islam in Indonesia” in the lounge deepened our understanding of the country’s rich cultural and religious fabric. Following this, Photo Instructor Fiona shared tips and techniques in her “Photo Basics” session, perfectly timed for the afternoon’s adventures ashore.

We set out to explore Cirebon at around 1240, greeted by a lively welcome performance at the pier. A short drive through the vibrant streets brought us to Kacirebonan Palace, where traditional music and the colorful spectacle of the Cirebon mask dance captivated everyone. Artisans demonstrated the intricate process of batik textile creation and glass painting, showcasing the city’s renowned craftsmanship.

The afternoon offered opportunities to purchase beautifully crafted souvenirs, including the striking Cirebon batik with its vivid colors and Chinese-inspired motifs. As the day drew to a close, we returned aboard by 1730, carrying with us the vibrant spirit of Cirebon and its deep cultural heritage.

Sunset brought an end to another unforgettable day in Indonesia.