Pacaya River, Peru
Upper Amazon Aboard the Delfin II, September 27, 2023

Cormorant taking off at sunrise. —Christian Saa, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Crow Butte State Park, Washington
Columbia & Snake Rivers Journey, September 28, 2023

The sunrise behind Crow Butte with National Geographic Sea Bird in the foreground. Guests enjoyed hikes along the butte to learn about local plant life, geology, and history. —Melissa Heres, Naturalist
Yarapa River, Peru
Upper Amazon Aboard the Delfin II, September 28, 2023

Night monkeys have large eyes which improve their vision at night; their ears are mostly hidden, giving them the name Aotus, meaning "earless." We had a great sighting today of this not-well-known species of neotropical primate. —Carlos Romero, Expedition Leader
Limpari, Italy
Mediterranean Gems: Southern Italy and Sicily aboard Sea Cloud, September 28, 2023

With a stop at Stromboli under a full moon, evening fireworks were in store. We howled at the moon and cheered the pyrotechnics of Stromboli. —Linda M. Burback, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Crow Butte State Park, Washington
Columbia & Snake Rivers Journey, September 29, 2023

Just after entering the Snake River, we passed under the Vaughn Hubbard Bridge, starting the next leg of our journey toward the Palouse region. —Bryan Holliday, Naturalist
Palouse River Canyon, Washington
Columbia & Snake Rivers Journey, September 30, 2023

Looking downriver at the Palouse River Canyon. —Grace Winer, Naturalist
Karimunjawa, Indonesia
Jewels of the Java Sea: An Exploration Between Bali and Singapore, September 30, 2023

Visiting the coral reefs of Karimunjawa. —Ron Leidich, Naturalist
Amalfi, Italy
Mediterranean Gems: Southern Italy and Sicily aboard Sea Cloud, October 1, 2023

The Sea Cloud pasta wheel puts homemade Italian cuisine on our plate. Buon appetito! —David Brotherson, Cultural Specialist
Española Island, Galápagos
Wild Galápagos Escape, October 2, 2023

A curious hood mockingbird checks out my camera lens at the beautiful white sand beach of Gardner Bay, Española Island. —Karina López, Naturalist
Alpefjord, Greenland
Iceland's Wild West Coast to East Greenland, October 2, 2023

The afternoon program took us further into Alpefjord. We went for a Zodiac cruise, and the stunning landscapes dwarfed National Geographic Endurance. —Eva Westerholm, Naturalist
Kajser Franz Joseph Fjord, Greenland
Iceland's Wild West Coast to East Greenland, October 3, 2023

National Geographic Endurance on station in front of the Walterhausen Glacier. —Doug Gould, Expedition Leader
Satonda, Indonesia
Colors of Indonesia: Corals, Komodos, & Vibrant Cultures, October 4, 2023

National Geographic Orion at Satonda Island this afternoon. —Rodrigo Moterani, Video Chronicler