Inian Islands, Alaska
Treasures of the Inside Passage: Alaska and British Columbia, May 13, 2022

A bald eagle soars past our Zodiacs. —Shayne Sanders, Naturalist
Vistenfjorden, Norway
Norway's Fjords and Arctic Svalbard, May 13, 2022

We continued our cruise through the amazing and wonderful fjords, passing beautiful waterfalls, as we headed to the innermost point of Vistenfjorden. The sheltered location offered us a chance to put out the kayaks for our guests to enjoy, or offer another hike if anyone wished. The hikers went on a fairly steep climb to a viewpoint overlooking the bay and the ship, including crossing over a beautiful suspension bridge. The hike took them through a pristine landscape with waterfalls and streams, dense forest and open meadows, and as always, the impressively steep mountains of the fjord landscape. —Anne Hedlund, Naturalist/Expedition Diver (photo by Carl Erik Kilander)
Lyngen Alps, Norway
Norway's Fjords and Arctic Svalbard, May 17, 2022

Returning from our Zodiac ride to our temporary home sweet home. —Kerstin Langenberger, Naturalist
Inian Islands, Alaska
A Remarkable Journey to Alaska, British Columbia & Haida Gwaii, May 18, 2022

Steller sea lions (especially young ones like this little buddy) are just like puppies when they get in the water. They’re curious, playful, and sometimes a bit bolder than you’d expect. While the adults lounged on the rock behind the Zodiac, the young ones got out all their pent-up energy. They even decided to come say hello to our Zodiacs this morning. So fun to have personal interactions with the world’s largest sea lion! —Kim Nesbitt, Naturalist/Expedition Diver
Kasnyku Falls, Alaska
Exploring Alaska's Coastal Wilderness, May 19, 2022

We’ve had an extraordinary few days on National Geographic Quest. This morning was meant to be a calm cruise as we made our way towards our afternoon anchorage. A chance for us to rest and perhaps revive some of our serotonin levels. Unfortunately, our guests were subjected to yet more unbelievable wildlife before breakfast was even completed. Captain Lyon described what looked like cooperative feeding by humpbacks ten miles in front of the ship’s position. Guests, staff, and crew lined the bow with our binoculars and spotting scopes glued to the water. We spotted a multitude of spouts in the distance and confirmed no less than ten humpback whales. As we approached, guests were notified that perhaps it would be worthwhile to leave breakfast for later. What followed was an unbelievable display for all. Working as a team, twelve humpback whales engaged in bubble-net feeding. The whales surfaced seven times. At many points, the entire bow erupted in applause. Undersea specialist Amy Malkoski and expedition diver Luke Manson deployed the ship’s hydrophone so we could hear the singing whales as they hunted. It was a truly unbelievable start to the day. —Luke Manson, Naturalist
Tahanea Atoll, Tuamotus, French Polynesia
Azure Seas from Tahiti to the Marquesas, May 19, 2022

We were lucky to see the atoll fruit dove. —Adam Maire, Undersea Specialist
Amazon Natural Park, Peru
Upper Amazon Aboard the Delfin II, May 20, 2022

This Amazon tree snake was a very colorful find along the trail at the Amazon Natural Park. —Linda M. Burback, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Bjornsund, Norway
Norway's Fjords and Arctic Svalbard, May 21, 2022

Killer whale surfaces close to the ship, displaying the white eye patch. — Michael Nolan, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Genovesa Island, Galápagos
Wild Galápagos Escape, May 21, 2022

Red-footed booby looking interested in the camera at sunset on Prince Philip’s Steps. —Paola Luque, Naturalist
Væroy, Norway
Norway's Fjords and Arctic Svalbard, May 24, 2022

A view of Væroy from 1200 feet with National Geographic Endurance below. —Ezra Siegel, Naturalist