Multnomah Falls, Oregon, U.S.A.
Columbia & Snake Rivers Journey, October 29, 2021

Guests photograph 620-foot high Multnomah Falls from the deck of National Geographic Sea Lion. —Steve Engel, Naturalist
Astoria, Oregon, U.S.A.
Columbia & Snake Rivers Journey, October 30, 2021

The rusted bow of the Peter Iredale rests on the sands where the ship was stranded 115 years ago. It has been a tourist attraction ever since.—Robert Edwards, Naturalist
Floreana Island, Galápagos
Wild Galápagos Escape, October 31, 2021

While kayaking at La Loberia, we observed how this young Galapagos sea lion posed next to a young brown pelican. —Vanessa Gallo, Naturalist
Floreana Island, Galápagos
Wild Galápagos Escape, October 31, 2021

Punta Cormorant is nowadays a nesting site of blue-footed boobies. This chick was showing us its afternoon training. —Vanessa Gallo, Naturalist
Española Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, November 1, 2021

Post Office Bay is famous for its post office barrel. Originally placed here in Floreana in 1793 by whalers and sailors, it was an informal way to send and receive mail from Europe. Our guests continued the tradition of leaving postcards and taking mail to hand deliver if the address is convenient. —Bernie Jacome, Naturalist
North Seymour Island, Galápagos
Wild Galápagos Escape, November 1, 2021

Without any land predators present on the island, marine bird colonies thrive on Española. Three booby species occur in the Galápagos, but only one prefers to nest along the coastal cliff of this small island: the endemic Nazca booby. —Gaby Bohorquez, Naturalist (photo by Vanessa Gallo)
San Cristobal Island, Galápagos
Wild Galápagos Escape, November 2, 2021

In the morning, we dropped anchor at the easternmost point of the Galapagos archipelago, Punta Pitt. Along the trail, we encountered a blue-footed booby couple. —Vanessa Gallo, Naturalist
Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, November 3, 2021

Beautiful surprise of a manta ray sighting at Guy Fawkes during our snorkeling. —Gianna Haro, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor