Kayaking in the stillness of nature—whether surrounded by the sheer cliffs of Norway’s dramatic fjords or the tropical coral-fringed islands of Indonesia's KerimunJawa—allows full immersion in the beauty of the extraordinary places we travel. Paddle past penguins in Antarctica, glide among frolicking sea lions in Galápagos, or peer into the translucent waters of Raja Ampat for breathtaking close-up views of its undersea world.  Get Inspired By Photos, Videos, Webinars, Stories, And Exclusive Offers. Sign Up

Kayaks are one of the state-of-the-art tools on our expedition ships that help you experience the excitement and wonder of genuine exploration. Choose from single or tandem kayaks that are easy and fast to deploy in a range of landscapes. Avid kayakers will be eager to venture unaided, but if you’ve never kayaked before, our naturalists will provide paddling advice to make sure you are comfortable and confident on the water. While we have opportunities to kayak all around the world in myriad remote and remarkable places, these are some that truly stand out.