Our morning activity began right after sunrise. We geared up and loaded the skiffs to explore the riverside of Yanalpa. The sunlight was ideal for photography as well as for birding.

Birds were very active, and a troop of squirrel monkeys passed by, disturbing the insects in the canopy. Several black-fronted nunbirds took advantage of this as they joined in a feeding frenzy, eating the insects that tried to fly away.

We returned on board for breakfast. We ate fast since we were so eager to return and explore more of this area. Some guests decided to explore on kayaks while others went on skiffs.

Our naturalists sighted new species of birds, including speckled chachalacas that were spotted because of their loud and raucous calls. Other species of birds also flew by as we enjoyed our morning.

We returned on board Delfin II after enjoying our morning activities. The forest of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve has a lot to share. As we cruised to our afternoon destination, our naturalists shared with us an interesting presentation about the primates of the Upper Amazon.

As soon as we arrived at Dorado River, our afternoon destination, we loaded the skiff and went to explore this new area. At the mouth of the river, flocks of wood storks, great egrets, neotropical cormorants, and many other species of shorebirds were feasting on fish. Some were disturbed by our presence, and others paid no attention to us.

As the sun began to set, the spotlights were turned on. The nightlife started in front of our eyes. While egrets and cormorants gathered in trees to spend the night, black night herons began to gather on the river’s edge to look for food.

Black caimans and white spectacled caimans were easily spotted due to their red eyes when the spotlight scanned the area. We observed a family of capybaras wandering as they also looked for their meals. That was a great sighting for all of us.

It was another great day exploring the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.