Today is our last full day of exploration of the Peruvian Upper Amazon; by this time in the week, all our guests are adjusted to the “rainforest” style of life. We had an early morning skiff ride in a narrow creek, Parahuachiro Caño. In this paradisiacal and peaceful place, we were immersed in a delicate symphony of rainforest sounds and bird calls.

After breakfast, we visited the Amazon Natural Park, which is a private reserve of a few thousand acres of protected primary and secondary forest. It was certainly hot and humid as we admired the rainforest in its splendor; giant trees surrounded us at every single step. The experience of walking a few meters above the ground along a suspension bridge is just amazing and unforgettable. We found several medicinal plants, like the historically famous rubber tree, bromeliads, lianas, etc.

In the afternoon, the ship was repositioned to the Yanayacu River. In the early afternoon, we went swimming. It was refreshing, and we had the company of pink river dolphins and grey dolphins that are relatively common in the convergence of white and black water rivers. In these areas, fish are abundant. After swimming, we took a skiff ride that allowed us the opportunity to see many types of creatures, including small saddle-backed tamarins, toucans, bats, birds of prey, and sloths. The latter are fascinating mammals who carry out their lives in the canopy, searching for the young leaves that are their main diet. We were fortunate, for we spotted a mother sloth with a baby!

Later in the day and as a golden finale for the expedition, we had a farewell toast, dinner, and lively music with the talented Delfin II crew.