As the fog cleared this morning, we were delighted to spot brown bears far off in the distance. The bears walked along the streambed at the end of Sitkoh Bay as we lowered our watercraft for exploration.

Bushwhackers embarked on an exploratory three-hour hike, while others set out on moderate walks, kayaks, and Zodiac cruises. The trail was riddled with banana slugs of every color from ripe to rotten. Approaching a clearing that overlooked the stream and an open meadow, hikers got a closer look at a skinny bear that appeared to be in distress. It erratically paced up and down the stream, frequent “Errghhh!” calls echoing through the valley. Curiously and cautiously, we watched as the bear stood on its hind legs and sniffed the air. Eventually, it ran out of view and our hike carried on. A few minutes later, we witnessed a mother bear and cub reunion! An adorable little cub trotted alongside as the pair walked into the forest; we unanimously let out a sigh of relief for them.

After operations, the ship sailed toward Sitka as we enjoyed the guest slide show and celebrated a fabulous trip with our fellow travelers.