Today was a remarkable day as we set out to explore SGang Gwaay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site nestled in the heart of Haida Gwaii. Our adventure began with a scenic boat ride; the anticipation built as we approached the ancient village, once a thriving hub of Haida culture.

Upon arrival, we were welcomed by the Haida Watchmen, who serve as guardians of this sacred site. Their deep knowledge and passion for Haida history enriched our experience. As we wandered through the remnants of longhouses and stood before towering totem poles, the stories shared by our guides brought the past to life. Each pole told a tale of ancestry and tradition, connecting us to the spirits of those who once inhabited this land.

The lush rainforest surrounding SGang Gwaay added to the enchanting atmosphere. We learned about the significance of preserving these sites not just for history but for future generations. The day was filled with wonder and respect as we absorbed the beauty and cultural richness of this extraordinary place.

As we departed, the echoes of ancient songs lingered in the air, reminding us that SGang Gwaay is more than just a site — it's a living testament to Haida heritage.