Today is our last day in paradise, an adventure that seems unreal. We all bonded as one. Even though we are from different backgrounds, today we are one. The Galapagos brings magic to our souls and minds. On an expedition, a journey of discovery through time, we have traveled together and reached Fernandina Island and San Cristobal Island, the youngest and one of the oldest in the archipelago.

Today we landed on a green olivine beach. Peaks of tuff high in the sky made this site very different from what we have already observed. The volcanic scenery during our intense hike was spectacular. We bonded over our profound feelings as we enjoyed a moment in life that will live in our hearts forever.

Punta Pitt also has impressive scenery from up above. We observed the skies and occasionally the inversion layer that kept us cool and pleasantly comfortable during our walk. All our senses were heightened as we listened to our surroundings while searching for red-footed and blue-footed boobies. We were lucky to see them up close. This is the breeding season, and the chicks were fluffy. We also experienced a soft misty rain that is locally called “garua.”

Soon after, it was beach time. We played with fun sea lions and went snorkeling.

Later, we repositioned to Cerro Brujo for our last walk over a white sand beach. We observed the turquoise ocean and more sea lions.

What a wonderful way to say goodbye to the Galapagos. Today was particularly special for it was spring tide. The ocean was magical, sending in waves of different lengths and frequencies that mesmerized us on this wonderful white sand beach. We boarded the ship and passed Kicker Rock, an impressive and massive tuff formation, as the sun set along the horizon. We are now together at the lounge celebrating life as frigatebirds fly very nearby, like they are saying goodbye without anyone noticing. Today is our last full day in the islands.

We made it to the Galapagos, and it was not easy. We now share a deep appreciation with others who actually made it to the islands. Today, we are honored to be part of this unforgettable experience and hope one day we all have the willpower to make a positive change in this wonderful world of ours.

Our expedition is now over. Life goes on, but we are sure this place has changed many lives, this place that can never be fully described. We all arrived with different backgrounds, and we shared a magic that will exist in our minds forever.

“We must rethink our indoctrinated acknowledge, the methodical saying ‘don’t humanize the animals’ and instead ‘animalize the human’ by perceiving our surroundings with all our senses; embracing nature with our true-spirit by coexistence and respect for one another, so we can become one with nature as we once were.”

Celso Montalvo.

Farewell, amigos.