A foggy morning greeted us when we arrived at our morning anchorage in Salt Chuck Bay. Socked in a thick marine layer, no land nor life was visible, and anticipation was high. Fortunately, as the team prepared and guests enjoyed breakfast, the layer slowly lifted to reveal a gorgeous morning. There was an activity for everyone today, from kayaking to paddleboarding, casual meadow strolling and exploring low tide to expert-level bushwhacking to a musket. A few discoveries included the tiny carnivorous sundew, sea stars and anemones, evidence of Sitka blacktail deer, and even a few bear tracks in the mud.

After a filling and warming lunch, we were back in our gear and ready to head out to the second stop: cruising through the Inian Islands. Here, guests got an up-close introduction to the massive and social Steller sea lion, as well as a handful of buoyant sea otters. With one million hairs per square inch, these fluffy little sea critters are truly an adorable site to behold.

With a day still left to explore the beautiful Southeast Alaskan region, who knows what splendor awaits us tomorrow?