Today we arrived in the remote western waters of the Galapagos Archipelago, one of the most pristine and wonderful regions of these islands. We started our day celebrating the crossing of the Equatorial line. After this, some of our guests went for a scenic Zodiac ride along the cliffs of Punta Vicente Roca and Volcan Ecuador. Other guests decided to snorkel in the nutrient-rich waters of northern Isabela, where large numbers of sea turtles and several schools of colorful fish were spotted.

In the afternoon, we moved to the only landing site of the protected Fernandina Island, Punta Vicente Roca. We were welcomed by thousands of marine iguanas that basked under the sun, warming up after feeding on algae. Due to the level of environmental protection on Fernandina, there is a remarkable abundance and uniqueness in wildlife. We ended this magical day with a wine tasting session on the upper deck as we sailed south to our next destination.