We awoke to clear weather and sunshine, creating the bluest skies and water, with icebergs all around us. It was a stunning scene in which to spend our morning exploring. Some opted to paddle around among the icebergs in the kayaks, while others chose to cruise around in the Zodiacs. We enjoyed seeing a handful of crabeater seals that were hauled out on the icebergs, spending their morning resting. Further from the ship, some of the Zodiac groups witnessed three humpback whales feeding along the face of a huge glacier and in the brash ice. Then we ended our morning with 92 jumpers doing the polar plunge into the icy waters!
After a delicious lunch, the weather changed, the wind and snow kicked up, so we explored by ship. We weaved through the icebergs and sea ice, enjoying encounters with some more humpback whales and the incredible icy scenery of the Antarctic Peninsula.