The morning began with cool temperatures, but the forecast was for a beautifully warm day — and boy, did it deliver! By 10:00 the sun had burned through the marine layer, and temperatures were rising for a daytime high of 70 degrees Fahrenheit! Not bad for the second week of September in northern British Columbia.

We cleared customs with very little to-do, and by the civilized hour of 09:00 everyone was gathered on the dock to begin our various activities. Some guests headed to the Museum of Northern British Columbia, some were bound for the Sunken Gardens, and others opted for a hike on the Rushbrook Trail.

Because it’s late in the season there were very few tourists in town, and the locals that we encountered were extremely welcoming. After our first round of activities was finished many of us congregated at a favorite local spot to enjoy coffee, pastries, WiFi, and the camaraderie that comes along with new friends made while traveling. Guests were chatting, trading addresses, and making plans for the rest of the afternoon.

As we cast off at 17:00 toward Haida Gwaii, the forecast was for strengthening winds, promising to put some motion into the ocean. As we have learned, though, this is pretty common in this stretch of shallow and very historic water. Just after leaving the dock, we came upon a contingent of humpback whales that led us into open water as our journey resumed.

Tomorrow promises to be a full day in Daajing Giids, Haida Gwaii!