We set out again for an early morning skiff ride in Pahwachiro Creek, a smaller channel off the Marañon River. It was a cloudy and moody morning, but we were greeted with scarlet macaws overhead. Deeper into the creek, we came upon hundreds of great egrets perched in the trees and along the riverbanks. We could also see the fish they were there to catch! As we slowly motored by, the egrets took flight all around us, and it was a truly magical moment. After another delightful breakfast on board, we set out in an area called Casual for our first exploration of the Amazon Rainforest by foot. Local scouts helped us find all kinds of cool creatures along the way, including a poison dart frog, a gecko, a red boa constrictor, a tarantula, and a green anaconda. This community makes beautiful wood carvings, and many of us decided to take one home. Back on board the Delfin II, we had a fascinating talk on medicinal plants by naturalist Jairo Flores. After lunch, small groups went kayaking in Nauta Creek, and then we all explored the area by skiff in the late afternoon. We were excited to see more squirrel monkeys, long-nosed bats, horned screamers, and even an Isabel’s saki monkey settling in for the night. There’s always something new to find in this amazing ecosystem!