This morning, we had an early breakfast aboard Delfin II to ensure we had ample time to explore the Pacaya River for the next four hours. Our goal was to venture as deep as possible into the forest in search of the unique wildlife that inhabits this protected area. Along the way, we encountered several troops of red howler monkeys with their babies, as well as large-headed capuchin monkeys. Even yellow-spotted river turtles were seen basking on floating logs. A highlight of the morning was swimming in Yanayaku Lagoon where pink dolphins curiously approached us—a truly unforgettable experience filled with colors, sounds, and emotions.

In the afternoon, we navigated downstream to Magdalena Creek, a whitewater creek enriched with nutrient-rich silt carried from the Andes Mountains. We were able to observe many great egrets perched on the treetops while several troops of squirrel monkeys moved through the shrubs. As we made our way back, we were treated to a glorious sunset, a perfect ending to an incredible day in the Amazon.