After a long overnight trip, we approached Eddystone Rock, which marks the entrance to Misty Fjord. The rock is a sentinel but is actually a volcanic ‘plug,’ which has somehow resisted erosion by past glaciers. Although Misty Fjord does not have an associated glacier and no icebergs, there is plenty of glorious scenery to absorb. We spent the morning watching for wildlife and enjoying the views, along with two presentations. A small pod of Dall’s porpoises rapidly swam past the ship but were not interested in riding the bow.

After lunch, we went Zodiac cruising and kayaking in ‘God’s Pocket’ at the head of Misty Fjord. We enjoyed absolutely calm seas and wind along with abundant sun. Zodiac cruisers slowly motored up a stream. They observed a run of pink salmon as well as numerous seals and eagles taking advantage of the fresh seafood. As the first group of cruisers and kayakers returned, the heavens opened and dumped monsoonal amounts of rain. This didn’t stop everyone, however, as many cruisers and a few kayakers happily ventured forth into the deluge. This being Southeast Alaska, the rain stopped, and partly sunny conditions emerged. So, all ended on a beautiful note.