Calm winds and clear skies pervaded our second whale-watching day. Once onboard our pangas with local boat captains, we headed out to the sandbar at Boca de Soledad. Our first encounter was with two whales, a mother and her calf. We saw more of the calf, as the calf surfaced more often than its mother due to his smaller lungs. In the distance, we saw a whale spyhopping close to the shore. As the day progressed, the whales began to breach, one after another. It was a very active morning for the whales.
Following our whale-watching excursion and before heading back to the ship, we navigated to a small oyster farm in one of the channels of Canal de Soledad. Miguel greeted us with oysters, limes, and salsa for a delicious treat.
After the second round of whale-watching, we headed out to the north end of Isla Magdalena for a beach BBQ. Talented naturalist Alberto joined the music band, “Los Coyotes,” from Lopez Mateos. We enjoyed a live performance on the beach among the beautiful sand dunes of Isla Magdalena.