Today, Isla Iguana did not fail to impress. A wildlife refuge located just three miles off the Azuero Peninsula, it enchanted us with its magnificent frigatebird colony, its army of hermit crabs, and of course there was no shortage of black spiny-tailed iguanas. Due to an extremely low tide, we were only able to spend an afternoon on this delightful speck of an island, of which we took full advantage.

After lunch, we walked across the island looking for some more elusive creatures, like the mangrove warbler, and we learned more about the island’s history as a bomb range for the US army during WWII.

Later we tested our snorkeling gear by exploring the island's recovering reef. It was amazing to see how a place that was bombarded 8 decades ago, now shows great signs of recovery, boosting over 17 species of corals and more than 300 species of fish.

Now, we say goodbye to the Gulf of Panama and head to our next destination, Coiba Island.