On our third day of Exploring Alaska’s Coastal Wilderness, we awoke as our ship docked at Bartlet Cove in Glacier Bay National Park. Many guests chose to start the day with a lovely forest walk, including a look at Snow, the humpback whale skeleton displayed near the visitors center. Once back onboard, the ship moved north through the bay, ultimately taking us to see Margerie Glacier in Tarr Inlet. Here we watched harbor seals float on bergy bits that had calved off the glacier, and as we pulled away, we witnessed a large calving that had us all in awe. 

As we cruised south, we saw mountain goats on Gloomy Knob and scanned the shoreline for wildlife. We stopped at South Marble Island to watch puffins, gulls, and cormorants, as well as many large hauled out Steller sea lions.

When it came time for dinner, the Global Explorers gathered in the forward lounge for a pizza party and a movie. The adult guests joined after their meals to watch Meaning of Wild.