The second full day of our expedition through Alaska’s incredible coastal wilderness began with an early morning wakeup call as we cruised towards George Island’s scenic shores. After a scrumptious breakfast cooked up by our skillful galley team, we ventured out into Zodiacs to enjoy a fun morning of hiking and exploring the hills and beaches near Granite Cove. The fun didn’t stop on land, however, as many guests took advantage of the pristine waters around George Island to partake in a polar plunge!

Once we were all back on board our trusty ship, we enjoyed yet another delectable lunch in the restaurant. Following lunch, we ventured out once again in Zodiacs. This time, we took an awe-inspiring cruise through the waters around the Inian Islands.

We enjoyed a series of seemingly endless sightings of sea otters, Steller sea lions, humpback whales, and wonderful seabirds, like the adorable pigeon guillemot. In the evening, we were treated to a fun gathering at the nearby Tidewater Institute. We snacked away and chatted with the operators of the institute to learn more about their sustainability- and climate-focused educational programming.

Like all good things, though, our excursion drew to a close, after which we gathered in the lounge for a quick briefing before dinner. Once dinner was but a figment of our imagination, we had the opportunity to learn more about the bears of Southeast Alaska during Alex’s lecture. Not long afterward, most of our group meandered off to bed to get some rest before the adventures of the day ahead.