At Sea en route to Bequia, Grenadines

Today we awoke to clear Caribbean skies. Tom O’Brien, the expedition leader, gave a short introduction to square rigged sailing and the beautiful Sea Cloud II. We then unfurled the sails with commentary from Captain Henrik Karlsson.

It was quite dramatic watching the seamen climb the rigging and untie the sails. The main mast is nearly 200 feet up, so the men must tie in with a safety harness once they reach the yardarm. It was breathtaking to see them in action. We learned that first we must set the mail square sails on the fore and the main masts, and then prepare the mizzen to set the jibs.

The afternoon was spent under sail in 20 knot winds. The ship progressed through the clear blue waters at about a 10 knot pace. We all settled down into a lazy afternoon and enjoyed Emma Ridley’s presentation on the geology of the Caribbean and took in an open house and introduction to the spa and gym facilities on this well appointed ship.

The evening was filled with the Captain’s welcome cocktail hour and dinner. It was a lovely time to have long conversations with our fellow shipmates and later many took the opportunity to spy the stars in the wide tropical sky.