Isla Espiritu Santo

The southern end of Isla Espiritu Santo, Punta Dispensa, is the place where we spent the night and started our morning activities. Protected from the 30 knot winds that were blowing out of our “little eden”, we explored once again the Sonoran Desert and used our kayaks to travel through the water’s surface, enjoying nature’s peace. Snorkeling near a rock cliff, we could take a close look to the underwater world. Here, elegant corals thrive creating real reefs that provide an excellent house for other marine creatures. King angels, butterfly fish, wrasses and parrot fish are just a few examples of today’s sightings.

We set sail bound to Los Islotes, the wind was still against us and residual swell forced us to look for shelter inside another bay, Puerto Ballena. Once protected again, we took Zodiac cruises around two small and scenic islands, Gallo and Gallina. These two rocks that emerge from the ocean are important roosting areas for magnificent frigatebirds, blue-footed boobies and brown boobies. Peregrine falcons take occasional visits to these rocks in search for a meal or just to perch on the highest of its points. We had excellent sightings of these birds surrounded by fascinating geological formations and interesting vegetation.

It is good being here, no matter what the weather does; we always find the way to explore protected and beautiful corners of Baja California.