At Sea

Gentle seas and delightfully warm air greeted us this morning, along with a wake-up call from expedition leader Bud Lehnhausen. Sea Bird had made excellent progress overnight, heading south along the coast of the Baja California peninsula.

After a morning stretch led by wellness specialist Susan Weber and a fine breakfast, we spent much of the morning on deck, looking for seabirds and marine mammals. Pete Pederson’s program, “Featherfoots” about seals and seal lions, armed us with information about many of the animals that we are anxious to see over the course of our voyage.

Short-beaked common dolphins by the hundreds kept us busy in the early afternoon. Acrobatically jumping, riding our bow wave, in some cases swimming circles around our ship, these animals kept our rapt attention for well over an hour. Even their high-pitched vocalizations were occasionally within our human range of hearing. In the lounge, our Bow Cam captured and projected footage of the dolphins swimming through the water alongside the Sea Bird.

Carlos Navarro’s program introduced us to the exceptional biodiversity of Mexico. Not long afterwards was a truly unexpected highlight. A blue whale appeared and shortly we were all on deck. Surfacing repeatedly within close range, the whale provided a memorable end to a day that was brought to a close with a striking sunset culminating in a green flash.