Hood Island

Today we enjoyed visiting the oldest, and at the same time, the southeastern most island in the archipelago, where we encountered some of the most extraordinary landscapes and unique animals and plants of this exceptional place.

We started the morning with a lovely walk through the nesting ground of Galápagos waved albatross, blue-footed boobies, Nazca boobies and marine iguanas. During our excursion we were followed by some inquisitive Hood mocking birds. One was very curious and tried to investigate itself this unknown object in its territory, while we took some pictures.

During our afternoon outing we had a lot of fun practicing snorkeling and those with more experience went to Turtle Islet and encountered lots of colorful fish. A couple of white-tipped reef sharks came around and some of our guests were surprised by a Pacific green sea turtle swimming near them. There was also an option for those who wanted to see the underwater world through the glass bottom boat, and they had an amazing time observing all the sea life passing underneath them.

We all went to Gardner Bay beach, where the colors of the afternoon created a wonderful contrast over the Galápagos sea lions resting on the pure white sand of this marvelous place.

When the afternoon ended we returned to our ship to share with each other all of our different experiences of today during recap time and there were many wonderful moments we will all keep with us for a long time.