Floreana and Isabela Islands

Every day we spent in this enchanted archipelago is a special one. Each day brings out pleasant surprises and imprints remarkable sightings and memories in every mind. Today this remote and beloved paradise we call Galapagos, was not the exception. Our water activities were highly successful and well deserved.

Snorkeling was extraordinary today. Playful and cheerful sea lions to white tipped sharks created an idyllic dream-like panorama. The impact to see hundreds of colorful fish at the very moment of entering into the water is hard to describe. In addition, the acrobatic sea lions frolicking around astounded observers were sensational. The playful sea lion spent several minutes trying to understand what kind of weird animal (a.k.a. our underwater video camera) I was holding on my hands. This amusing event reflects one of the most striking characteristics of the Galapagos wildlife, its ecological naiveté. This fascinating mix of curiosity, innocence and indifference to human beings has become a trademark of this enchanted archipelago. It is difficult for me to express with words the happiness and excitement we all had today while appreciating the richness and magnificence of the oceans of our planet.

What a beautiful way to spend Christmas day! A wonderful Christmas dinner was prepared by our kitchen galley and there were songs performed by our guests. This all provided the right atmosphere to celebrate this special day in the Galapagos.