Genovesa Island
We started at 8:00 a.m. this morning. Some groups went to Darwin Bay beach while other groups went to Prince Phillip’s steps; in that way we avoided crowding on this fragile and pristine island. In the afternoon we switched, so everyone was able to see and experience everything.
Genovesa, as always, is a nice paradise of wildlife but specifically seabirds and we saw a lot – red footed and Nazca boobies (a lot of nests, chicks, and juveniles), the swallow tailed gulls, frigatebirds (but not displaying the beautiful red gular sac because it is not season), red billed tropicbirds, storm petrels and something very unusual, the presence of so many yellow crowned night heron. Obviously the visit to Genovesa was not complete until we found the enigmatic short eared owl looking for any easy prey around.
Those going deep water snorkeling were having a lot of fun; some found a huge manta displaying an unusual exhibition underwater and others observed hammerheads swimming slowly.
Leaving the island we witnessed a spectacular sunset on the horizon. Another day and another cruise come to an end.