The Weddell Sea

Some of the most outrageous combinations can come about within the pressure of a compressed time frame. We mingled penguins with pajamas this morning. As some of us dreamed the morning away in blissfully warm beds, others were on the bridge scanning ice floes for wildlife. Matt’s voice on the microphone coaxed us out of our dreams and into reality. An Emperor penguin was sighted just ahead of the ship, the time, 6:15am. The question of what to wear in the presence of an emperor was not pondered for long. Quick, a shoe, they don’t have to match, gloves would be good, definitely a camera, okay a jacket as well and now a dash to the deck. An eclectic mix of flannel pajamas, sweatpants and nightgowns stuck out from under our bright red parkas. Some feet were already in their boots, others were snuggled into fluffy slippers. The attire we all shared were ear-to-ear grins on our sleepy-eyed faces as we gazed upon a lone juvenile Emperor penguin on an ice floe.

The Captain carefully maneuvered around humungous tabular bergs. Previous warm temperatures had melted the bergs a little, but today’s chilly air had allowed the formation of icicle skirts, which hung stiffly above the indention of their waterline waists. Another Emperor penguin was found, this one at the more civilized hour of 8:30am. For some odd reason my binoculars had a better focus now, as opposed to two hours earlier.

A different attire was required for our experience with the Adelie penguins on Paulet Island. Some suggested clothespins for the assault on our olfactory glands. The experience of walking amongst thousands of hormone infused birds, along with more than a bit of “eau-de-penguin” in the air, left a lasting impression on us all. Most of us were able to scrub some of that impression off with a stiff brush and some soap.

The dessert served by our galley this evening was crème brule, the nightcap offered by the bridge was a serene scene composed of a flat piece of sea ice adorned with a group of Adelie penguins and a trio of Emperor penguins. As the gently falling snow blanketed us and the penguins, we reflected on our day, and how much richer we are for having been in the presence of Emperors.