Isabela & Fernandina Islands

I have always been able to wake up in the morning without the annoying alarm of a clock, so I was already fully awake when the bridge officers called me early in the morning to announce the encounter of dolphins in our way. It was not even six o’clock when that happened, so I was debating if I should interrupt the sleep of our guests or not with an announcement. I have to admit that watching the dolphins making their acrobatic jumps with nobody around was an overwhelming experience. For a very small fraction of a “nautical” second (of course, there is no such a thing!) I hesitated to make the announcement. The reason is not easy to explain, but part of me did not want to share such magical experience, and the other part of me did not want to let the guests see me in my old PJ’s that my mother gave me a long time ago! After coming to my senses, I made the announcement (yes, I did change first!) and in no time, the outer deck was full of guests. The joy that I felt at that moment was even greater that the one that I experienced before being alone with the dolphins. As I was walking back and forth the deck to have a better view, I could see unavoidably the different face expressions of our guests. You could really tell they were having a blast!

All along this day we did and encounter so much. We crossed the Equator line and discovered that there is no such a thing as a “nautical second.” We took a “panga ride” to look at animals and geology along the cliff of Punta Vicente Roca and discovered that the cliffs weren’t covered with snow, but guano (bird droppings).

Our afternoon cruise to Fernandina Island can’t be described as anything less than exciting. Thanks to one of our guests, who requested a whale as part of her birthday wish, the usually very allusive – not so much today – Bryde’s whale made several appearances. It was not only one but three whales who surrounded the ship for everyone’s delight!

Once again armed with my camera, I rushed to the bridge to make the announcement…this time with decent clothing on and no hesitation, all that I wanted was to see those happy faces again…