Isabela Island

It was a fantastic sunrise at the western part of the Isabela Island; we anchored at 06h25 before breakfast. Later on we started with the disembarkation at Urbina Bay. This site is outstanding, it used to be underwater until an uplifting by magma pressure in 1954 rose this once underwater realm. About 3 kilometers in diameter of the lava plate came out of the water, where we can fin huge pieces of white coral, shells, conch, and many other mollusks and crustaceans. This makes it one of the most wonderful and interesting marine fossilized museums of the Galápagos Islands; as soon as we arrived at the island we saw land iguanas and two land tortoises endemic to the area. We came back to the beach and had water activities until we came back to the Islander.

We departed for Punta Moreno, which is located at the southwestern face of Isabela. Here we jumped to the sea before starting our disembarkation; this outing became a perfect day because we were welcomed by two orcas, which wandered around and occasionally searched for food. We enjoyed the magnificent show of the orcas feeding on sea turtles; we followed these orcas for one and a half hours. Besides the Orcas we saw a lot of frigate bird feeding on turtle’s intestines; it was great to witness how they try to scavenge these remains.

Later on we disembarked at Punta Moreno which is one perfect view of the two enormous volcanoes Sierra Negra which erupted in October of 2005 and Cerro Azul, the magical and paradoxical area where we found a lot biodiversity in the middle of the great lagoons like The Greater Flamingoes and others species of shore birds make of Punta Moreno a unique volcanic landscape.

This was our full day which ended with a astonishing sunset; our expedition will take us to the central islands and we wonder what will be next?