Isabela and Fernandina

Early in the morning we woke up to start our expedition while navigating close to the largest island in the Galápagos, Isabela. Our guests were on the outside decks, searching for marine mammals while enjoying the spectacular scenery. At this time we were in the northern hemisphere and about to cross the equator.

Surrounding us were impressive shield volcanoes with an inversion layer of clouds that makes them look more mysterious; sun rays pierced through giving a divine touch to an early start. These are the westernmost islands of the archipelago, the youngest and the most active of all. Later on it was time to celebrate the crossing of the equator line. Everyone showed up at the bridge, as we were all calling a countdown until we got into the southern hemisphere (it felt like New Year's Eve again). It was a lot of fun. The king of the oceans appeared and after a “small sacrifice” we were allowed to continue our journey.

Later on we anchored at Punta Vicente Roca for different activities such as Zodiac riding, kayaking and snorkeling. The place was teaming with wildlife, and at low tide. There were sea turtles all over the place, penguins in the water and also on the rocks, marine iguanas mating while the breeding season for this reptiles are about to end, the world famous flightless cormorant all were at inter tidal zone and the ever present blue-footed boobies of course, just to mention a few.

The afternoon takes us to a different island, Fernandina, an untouched pristine land mass. It is like going back to the beginning of it all; it’s a magic place. You just sit down and have communion with nature, quietly and peacefully. Coexistence among these creatures was all around.

Late in the afternoon we came back to the ship as the sun was setting. We are all touched by this magical world as our expedition is reaching its peek. We can’t wait for the next day.