After passing through another lock and dam during our sleep, we awoke heading eastbound on the Columbia River. Our morning adventure was at Crow Butte State Park, an island in the middle of the river that is a beautiful example of a sagebrush ecosystem. Using Zodiacs to go ashore, we hiked through the hills covered with flowering sagebrush, tumbleweed, and hoary tansyaster, and we observed darkling beetles digging their holes in the sandy soil. A great horned owl was also present in the campground loop, as well as many small birds. Our hike ended with a delicious treat of spiced apple cider. We headed back to the ship for lunch and cruised further up the Columbia River. Midafternoon brought us through the McNary Lock and Dam, where we saw an abundance of wildlife along the riverbank while entering the lock. The frolicking groups of mule deer almost seemed excited we were there, curiously following the ship and watching as we passed into the lock. Beyond the lock, more cruising brought us to the confluence with the Snake River. We entered and headed east, passing through the Ice Harbor Lock during dinner. Our day ended with naturalist Kim Baldwin’s presentation about birds in the cozy forward lounge while we gently continued our way up the Snake River.