Today we say goodbye to Arctic Canada, but not before exploring the beautiful Buchan Gulf, a deep fjord with two arms: Icy Arm and Cambridge Arm. As we traveled into the fjord, admiring the hanging glaciers and fresh snow on the jagged peaks, we saw a polar bear get in the water. Then the familiar splotchy grey backs of narwhal started to appear on all sides of the ship! We saw narwhal calves, which are a lighter, more consistent color, and several lucky guests spotted a few tusks. As we did two days ago, we jumped into Zodiacs to try to get closer to the majestic narwhal, but they were shyer here than in Croker Bay. Regardless, our Zodiac cruise delivered phenomenal scenery, and we had a great time checking out the ice-cored terminal moraine.

The wind picked up as we headed back out to sea after lunch. At around 4:00 p.m., we waved goodbye to likely the last polar bears of our voyage (a mother with a cub). In the late afternoon, Carl Erik told us about the Viking’s time in Greenland. His pictures of logs being split to make planks for shipbuilding were astounding! Onwards to Greenland!