The Atlantic north of the equator welcomed us this morning with clear skies and calm seas. It was a good day to relax and attend a presentation on sea turtles by Dennis Cornejo, as well as to brush up on citizen science apps with Steve Backus.

In between the scheduled talks, we were able to appreciate an increase in the volume of Sargassum around us. Our undersea team descended on a Zodiac to collect samples for everyone to observe at recap.

After the excitement of the sampling operation, the day returned to a calmer rhythm. Our creativity flourished in workshops like Amy Malkoski’s watercolor class. After teatime, Sue Forbes shared tips for processing photos directly on our phones, which we practiced.

We wrapped up the day with useful advice on how to communicate in Portuguese from Madalena Patacho. This will undoubtedly come in handy when we arrive to Cabo Verde, Madeira and the Azores.