A day out of sight of land and devoid of terrestrial distractions, frees the mind to wander, allowing for contemplation of what excitement and adventures lie ahead. The contemporary author Lori R. Lopez summarizes the spirit of embarking upon an expedition like this one; 

“One’s options in this world are as vast as the horizon, which is technically a circle and thus infinitely broad.  Yet we must choose each step we take with utmost caution, for the footprints we leave behind are as important as the path we will follow. They’re part of the same journey—our story.”  

As we push north towards Borneo, the third largest island in the world, after Greenland and New Guinea, it is our distinct privilege to have Dr. Birute Mary Galdikas onboard. Not only is she the foremost expert on orangutans but she is also an adopted daughter of Indonesia, as she has lived for the last forty-three years at the Camp Leakey, where will visit tomorrow. The day is spent hearing about the incredible journey she has forged in the lowland rainforests, navigating local politics, fighting fires and illegal loggers, all to save the two species of orangutan that make up the entirety of the Asian apes.  

The anticipation of being in the presence of these stoic animals is almost palpable and only increases with each new fact that is learned. As part of the relationship with the Orangutan Foundation International, Lindblad Expeditions has adopted an orangutan for each guest onboard, some of which we will get to see later on. Being able to support this organization and simultaneously be able to experience this truly unique opportunity is the perfect fusion of desires and ideals. And with the myriad of options that this world has to offer we can rest easy, knowing this course we are on has been well chosen indeed.