Sophie van der Hart
Sophie van der Hart is a Dutch and French biologist specialized in the fields of evolution, biodiversity and conservation. She has a master's degree in biology from Leiden University in the Netherlands and is a certified international biology teacher.
She has a passion for nature, a strong commitment to create effective environmental education and outreach programs and an interest in reporting scientific concepts to a general audience. Her passions led her to the most wonderful places on Earth like the heart of the magnificent rainforest of Borneo where she studied the ecology of the elusive pangolin, the world's most trafficked mammal. In her spare time, she enjoys travelling the world, going on adventures and has a love for the visual arts, creating her own drawings and paintings.
Sophie loves sharing her knowledge of biology and delivering unforgettable wildlife experiences. She is committed to the conservation of our natural resources, empowering people with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to address the global challenges we face today.