Sofia Gomez
Sofia was born in Mexico City, she is passionate about nature, travel, adventure, education and arts. She studied Oceanology at the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California in Ensenada. Her first job after getting her degree in 1999 was as a Naturalist for a Gray whale watching camp in San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja California Sur. That same year she moved to Puerto Vallarta to lead whale watching educational tours with the Humpback whales, and began to guide bird watching, kayaking, and nature walks. Sofia studied two postgraduate programs in Wildlife management and Socio Environmental Projects Design, getting a master’s degree. Since 1998 she had collaborated with varied National and International non-profit organizations dedicated to Conservation like Sociedad Audubon de Mexico, Pronatura and Wildcoast / Costasalvaje. Sofia loves arts and the cultural diversity and traditions of her Country, while living in Xalapa in the State of Veracruz she dove into the endemic culture of Son Jarocho that embraces music, taping and poetry. Her interest in dance and music took her in 2006 to West Africa to study dance in Conakry, capital of Guinea Republic.
Nowadays Sofia lives in the East Cape, a coastal area about 27 km East from San Jose del Cabo, the very southern tip of Baja California Peninsula. She leads a team of professionals in a small educational whale watching company, offering outings to enjoy and photograph the Mexican Humpback whales. She also guides bird watching tours. Sofia practices cooking, pottery, painting, and drawing.
My upcoming expeditions
Baja California: Observing the Whales of Magdalena Bay
Baja California Discovery: Exploring Mexico’s Gulf of California