CT Ticknor
Born in California, CT Ticknor now resides in Maui, Hawaii, where she feeds her passion for photography and the natural environment. She can often be found near the sea, teaching kids & kids at heart, working with the Ocean Project, an organization dedicated to marine research, education & extraordinary experiences. She is motivated by the unique moments and life changing experiences that nature provides.
As CT explains her love for photography, "At the peak of whale season in Hawaii, a mother whale gently placed her pectoral fin on the pontoon when I noticed a mono-filament fishing line knotted around her. Was she asking me to untangle her? I unwound the line which bound her very fingertips. Someone took a photo and sent it to me. The image tells the story, without all these words. This is what I love about photography. How an image works, captures a mere fraction of a second and reveals tiny details.
CT has been helping travelers create their own lifetime experiences with Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic for the past two years. She received her Photo Instructor certification in a multi-day training workshop. Developed and taught by National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions photographers, the workshop helped her develop additional insight and skills necessary to help you better understand your camera and the basics of composition—to better capture the moments at the heart of your expedition.